
How To Tackle Electricity Use Of Natural Disasters With Solar Generators

by Shi Yumin on Nov 05, 2022

How To Tackle Electricity Use Of Natural Disasters With Solar Generators


In recent years, global warming has changed into a direct impetus from its past image resulting in a significant increase in extreme weather and climate events. Disasters will happen so often that they should meet for several decades or even a century. It is a serious warning that climate change happens frequently compared to the old days, and the threat of climate imbalance does exist.

 According to the sixth assessment report of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), global warming in the past 50 years occurs at an unprecedented rate compared to which the past 2,000 years, bringing surging instability to the climate system. Climate change not only causes an increase in global average temperature, but leads to a frequency, wide-spreading, intensity, and concurrency of extreme weather. According to a report released by the World Meteorological Organization, over the past 50 years, considering the influence of climate change, the frequency of disasters has increased fivefold. Moreover, losses caused by natural disasters have upgraded more than sevenfold. In 2021, rare high temperatures occurred in many places in North America, besides Europe suffered from recorded heavy rains and floods. This summer, the unseen hot weather hit the northern hemisphere;  Europe suffered the worst drought in 500 years, thousands of people died due to heat waves; Britain issued the first "extremely high temperature" red warning in history. As global warming further strengthened in the future, the probability and intensity of extreme weather will increase.


Dr. Maria Neira, Director of the Department of Public Health and Environment of the World Health Organization, said that climate change is affecting human beings in many ways in which the best solution is to work together to deal with global warming, such as taking measures to achieve zero carbon emissions and accelerating the transition to clean and renewable energy.


The Rising Force Of Clean & Renewable Energy—Solar Generator

What Is A Solar Generator?

The term solar generator usually refers to the combination of portable solar panels, battery, battery charger, and inverter into a single device that allows you to capture, store, and distribute power from the sun.

Solar generators are popular for camping trips, boating, RV trips, and as emergency backup power.

Unlike a traditional generator, which is normally powered by gas, diesel, or propane and includes an engine, fuel tank, and alternator, a solar generator lacks any moving parts. They’re essentially comprised of four elements:

  • Portable Solar Panels- Captures energy from the sun
  • Rechargeable Battery- Stores the energy captured by solar panels
  • Solar Charge Controller- Manages how much energy goes into the battery
  • Solar Inverter- Converts the sun’s energy into usable electricity

Thus, a solar generator is basically a portable battery with some photovoltaic (PV) panels attached to collect sunlight.

A portable solar generator turns out to be a great power supply, whether you’re on the road, camping, or needing electricity during a power outage. Depending upon your situation, you might want a solar generator with a variety of outlets, especially in emergencies where you have multiple power-dependent devices and appliances.

Typically, solar generators have 12-volt sockets, AC outlets, and USB ports to allow you to charge different devices. The beauty of having several charging options with your portable generator is that you can get the power you need on your terms. For example, you can plug a smartphone directly into the USB port to charge, and then connect an extension cord to the AC outlet to power a set of string lights.

In most cases, you will have the option to buy components like solar battery storage and panels separately, though you can also buy them as a complete all-in-one kit. We recommend purchasing the accessories you need to generate and store enough electricity for your intended use.

Creating Preparedness Of Natural Disasters with Solar Generators

If you’d like to increase your natural disasters preparedness, buying yourself solar generators is one of the best ways to create your own power source, away from grid-supplied electricity. By connecting your portable solar generators to your home’s electrical system or devices, the amount of electricity you can create and use is only limited by the size of your system’s components and the availability of local sunlight.

To start on the right track to risk reduction, those portable solar generators for disaster resilience will typically maintain a full or nearly full battery reserve if extreme weather conditions are expected. By prioritizing new solar electricity to be stored inside of a battery, system owners can be prepared for a grid blackout or utility demand charges related to natural disasters.

Prepare Solar Generators for Home Disaster Resilience

Much more than just a way to reduce your electricity bills and carbon footprint, home solar systems are now being installed frequently for their crucial role in personal disaster resilience. Waterproof (solar panels) and resilient to hail, heavy winds, and ice storms, modern solar generators are built to be durable, with emergency preparedness in mind.



Ongoing Access to Emergency Power

As the main benefit of solar generator, electric storage batteries allow you to continue using your solar panels and portable power stations even if the grid goes down. Throughout a blackout, any excess solar power generated by your system that is not used immediately in the home will go into the battery bank instead of being sent into the grid.

Most solar battery storage systems are purchased to provide only enough power to keep emergency appliances running during a blackout, so that investment costs can remain low during installation with a reasonably sized system. With that being said, if you have the capital for multiple solar batteries, you can charge and store as many as you would like to always have access to emergency power.

Be Prepared and Go Solar Today

For disaster preparedness, solar power can instantly help homeowners increase their energy security and peace of mind with ongoing access to renewable electric power.

With the rate and intensity of natural disasters increasing all over the world, solar power can keep homes electrified for multiple days and weeks on end, without the need for loud and odor-emitting gas generators. In both disaster resilience and continuous use, solar energy is a safe and reliable way to increase your home’s energy independence with fewer ongoing costs, maintenance demands, and carbon emissions than traditional gas generators.

